Thursday, February 18, 2010

I Don't Know

I honestly don’t know what to do anymore. I’m sick and tired of trying to impress people. You fucking do everything so you can feel wanted or appreciated. Then it honestly comes around and bites you in the ass. I’m sick of always being there for you. I’m sick of making you feel happy. I’m sick of trying to be your best friend. Could you really be that blind sighted, to realize that the person you need and the person that actually cares about you is right in front of you? You said some things today that actually hurt but I play it off like it doesn’t bother me. But it’s really killing me inside. You probably think of me as some joke I’m sick of being looked down to. All I’m trying to do is for you to accept my advice. To actually listen to what I say for once. I want you to realize that the person you need has been here all along. But I don’t think you’ll ever realize it. You’ll just keep living your life looking for that person, meanwhile that “person,” has been here all along.