Sunday, April 18, 2010

Nowhere But Up

Alright so i made a promise to myself, new blog everymonth true? aha
iight so time to update y'all  everything is going great suprisngly. I had one of the best weekends i've had in awhile. Beautiful weather= Happier Jessica. I can't wait its going to be summer i know for suure thiis summer is going to be AMAZING. Zoo, Jams, T-Dot, Hookups, Sleepovers, Hangovers, i kinda had one last night.. LMAO i've never seen so many cocks in my life. Anyway Confirmation is coming.. HERE I COME JESUS! Speaking about  Jesus, i wrote a letter to him on my mount alverno retreat i kinda started to cry :$ i was honestly put on an emotional journey to find God. My God, i love God. Bonded with my friends it was veery gooood. There was a part when you had to walk by yourself down a path to the stations of a cross. Lets just say that didn't go very well. I was walking and a twig got caught in between my shoelaces and was piercing at my toe how the fuck does that happen. Then i ended up saying Fuck outloud i was dissapointed at myself the whole day LOL. I can't waiit until May, gonnna see my girls. (L) Reunion bby. Miss y'all like craazy.
Turning 14 May 10.. baaaaby, theeen hello Toronto Blue Jays. ;) wiith waay moore. Maan maay gonna be an amazing month. So faar seems liike (8)That we can go nowhere but up from here my dear (8)